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Mantelpiece with Digital Artist Michelle Brace

Members of the Creative Collective share their personal stories connected with treasured objects.

A Creative Collective Sound Project.

As part of Creative Conversations in Isolation programme, artist Michelle Brace proposed that she wanted to to explore the use of spoken word and aural stories during the Lockdown period. We were drawn to the simplicity of the idea.

Members of our Creative Collective (a group of people who inspire events to happen in their towns) chose an object they felt represented them. Their objects are the ones below, taking pride of place on our Mantelpiece.

Click on an object sound file below to hear their stories…

Click here to read about Ali’s object – her wonky tool.

Click here to read about Godfrey’s object – his didgeridoo.

Click here to read about David’s object – his Starship Traveller Adventure Game Book.

Click here to read about Jill’s object – her mouse.

Click here to read about Terry’s object – his Abbey Road Studios Mug.

Click here to read about Colin’s object – his duck.

Image reads "Featured on #ArtOfCovidChat podcast series. Click here to listen."

Listen to Michelle’s podcast episode from the series #ArtOfCovidChat here where she discusses the challenges and triumphs through lockdown with singer/ music leader Sally Rose.