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Art and the Fens with Kaitlin Ferguson

We commissioned environmental artist, Kaitlin Ferguson to produce a series of short 'make along' videos to inspire creative connections with the landscape around us.

As part of our Creative Conversations in Isolation commissions programme, we commissioned artist Kaitlin Ferguson to make a series of ‘make along’ videos showing simple creative ideas to try at home, all inspired by the unique landscape and environment of the Fenland region.

We were delighted to support the first “Celebrate the Fens” Day on 20th June 2020, which was hosted by @FascinatingFens by sharing the first video.

If you live in or near the Fens, take a walk, follow Kaitlin’s suggestions and when you’ve got something to share post it online with the hashtag #ArtAndTheFens. We’ll be hosting pictures and artworks in the growing Fascinating Fens online gallery.

If you don’t live in or near the Fens, then explore the landscape near you, take a walk, look out your window or find some lovely landscape pictures online and ‘make along’ with Kaitlin.

Week 1 – Make Your Own Recording Card

Subtitled by Stagetext

Download Kaitlin’s helpful guide to creating your own recording cards here (100 KB)

Week 2 – Make Your Own Mini Sketchbooks and Line Drawings

Subtitled by Stagetext

Download her helpful guide to creating your own pocket sketchbook. (2.61 MB)

Week 3 – Make Your Own Anthotype Print

Subtitled by Stagetext

Download her helpful guide to making your own anthotype print (393 KB)

Week 4 – Make Your Own Soft Strata

Subtitled by Stagetext

Download Kaitlin’s handy guide to creating your own ‘soft strata’ with textiles (1.46 MB)

Image reads "Featured on #ArtOfCovidChat podcast series. Click here to listen."

Listen to Kaitlin’s podcast episode from the series #ArtOfCovidChat here where she discusses the challenges and triumphs through lockdown with publisher and illustrator Ric Savage.