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Conversation Exhibition

In early 2020, we held an exhibition at Babylon Gallery, Ely, showing recent projects and events made with communities across Fenland and the Forest Heath area of West Suffolk.

Just a couple of weeks before lockdown we opened our exhibition Conversation at Babylon Gallery in Ely. The exhibition celebrated the work we’ve done with communities across Fenland and the Forest Heath area of West Suffolk in Phase 2 (from 2018) of our project.

When lockdown happened we shared as much as we could through photos and videos posted online. Click here to see our coverage on social media and visit our Flickr gallery here to see all of the photos of the exhibition.

This drawing by Rebecca Osbourne, who creates graphic recordings of conferences and meetings, resulting in a visual record of the discussions. 

Rebecca created this piece for us in response to the Artist Development workshop day we held in Wisbech at St.Peter’s Lodge, where Fenland practitioners were looking at new ways of working and devising projects for ongoing work in the ever changing business world that is the arts.

Visit our Flickr gallery here to see all of the photos of the exhibition.